Graduate education can be in any field. College graduates mostly in demand are in fields like chemical engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software engineering, computer sciences, management information system, economics, finance, accounting, business administration and management etc.
It is not only easy for college graduates to find employment easily, they are also in a position to get a higher salary.
College graduates in engineering, business, finance and management have always been in demand throughout the world. There is more global mobility and migration amongst them.
National Association of Colleges and Employees (NACE) of the USA has reported that in the past few years there has been more competition amongst employers seeking college graduates in the aforementioned fields. This has led to higher starting salaries for college graduates, showing an increase of 3.5 per cent to 5 per cent.
Higher demand for college graduates in the USA and other developed countries may mean more demand for foreign graduates and more immigration, outsourcing and shift away from lower paying jobs.
It is never too late to keep job and career trends in view and adapt oneself accordingly.
From job analysis one can see that skilled jobs are always in demand. With skills, it is not only easy to get employment but one can also start one’s own independent practice.
Internet has made it very easy to spot job trends. There are hundreds of websites which help prospective job seekers to jobs in their particular areas. It is easy to get overwhelmed in job search with so many internet sources.
While selecting a particular source in job search, one should pay particular attention to their record, their services, testimonials etc. One can always perform a Google search and find one’s preferred jobs anywhere.
Another alternative is that after gaining experience in a particular job with some company, one can always try for self-employment. With right education and skills, there are limitless possibilities.
If one is looking for independent work, here is an excellent source for reference.